Curanderismo & Self-Care with Doña Felipe & Doña Doris, September 9, 2012

Circle of Ancestors invites you to a small, intimate conversation or “platica” with the Curanderas, Doña Felipe and Doña Doris, in a private home in Oakland.

The first 2 hours will be a conversation about curanderismo and self-care with lots of time for questions and answers.

Then, you will have the opportunity to receive a one-on-one mini healing session with one curandera. Additional donation required.

Sunday, September 9, 2012, 4p.m. to 7p.m.

Please bring food to share for a potluck. Address will be sent after purchase.

Tickets are limited and may sell out, so don’t delay!  The Curanderas are only in the US for short periods of time each year.

Maestras Doris and Felipa are teachers at Centro De Desarollo Humano Hacia la Communidad (CEDEHC) Institute in Cuernavaca, Mexico a center dedicated to the preservation and teaching of traditional knowledge.